Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Dark Knight Rises First Official Teaser Poster

I love Christopher Nolan's version of the caped crusader. Capturing the fantastical world of the comics but still maintaining it grounded in reality. That being said I also hate it. Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with film but the fact that we still have one year of playing an excruciating waiting game to experience the final installment of what is possibly gearing up to be the best superhero film ever made. To sate Batman fans everywhere, whether you're a comic book fan or not, they throw in a bone once and a while. Honestly, the teaser poster just got me more hyped up and left me high and dry. Now I can't wait for the rumored teaser trailer that apparently will surface along with the showing of the final Harry Potter film. Man, if it does appear in the trailer I'm leaving the theaters completely satisfied. A taste of the last Nolan Batman film along with the final Harry Potter film? Holy bejesus!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Official First Look of Spidey in Full Costume

Looks like they'll go with the artificial web shooters on Spiderman this time as you can clearly see it on his wrist. Guess this will make for a lot of "out of web" bits in the movie like in the comics years ago.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Spiderman Reboot Behind the Scenes Images

Holy crap! It's been already a year since my last post! Man, gotta pick up my game.

I know it's late but here's some unofficial behind the scenes pictures from the upcoming Spiderman reboot starring Andrew Garfield (The Social Network) as Peter Parker/Spiderman and Emma Stone (Superbad, Zombieland) as (surprisingly) Gwen Stacey. Looks like they'll go through with the Ultimate version of Spidey here seeing that they would have Spiderman fight crime in his early teens. Looking forward to this and hope it would kickass. You can't afford to screw this up since Sam Raimi already showed the world how to make an awesome Spiderman movie.

Andrew Garfield as Spiderman. Costume looks more organic but ask yourself this; can a single person really make a costume of this quality alone? Tobey Spiderman had a costume too complicated to be done with just threads, needles and guilt. Here we have a rubbery one now.

What's that at his soles? Is Spidey wearing rubber shoes? 

Spiderman doesn't stop for cars. Cars stop for Spiderman, b*tch! 

Spidey tries to hitch a ride even with 2 cabs clearly seen. Hey, one of Spidey's problems was he's always broke, right? 

Don't worry, you'll get out of that "that guy from the facebook movie" tag. I kid, I kid.

Why won't anybody LOOK AT ME?!

I really hope this movie will be a great addition to the Spiderman franchise since Spidey 3 kinda stank.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Spiderman 4 Officially Dead

Yep, Spidey 4 is now officially out, here's the press release from the Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios:

Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios announced today they are moving forward with a film based on a script by James Vanderbilt that focuses on a teenager grappling with both contemporary human problems and amazing super-human crises.

The new chapter in the Spider-Man franchise produced by Columbia, Marvel Studios and Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin, will have a new cast and filmmaking team. Spider-Man 4 was to have been released in 2011, but had not yet gone into production.

“A decade ago we set out on this journey with Sam Raimi and Tobey Maguire and together we made three Spider-Man films that set a new bar for the genre. When we began, no one ever imagined that we would make history at the box-office and now we have a rare opportunity to make history once again with this franchise. Peter Parker as an ordinary young adult grappling with extraordinary powers has always been the foundation that has made this character so timeless and compelling for generations of fans. We’re very excited about the creative possibilities that come from returning to Peter's roots and we look forward to working once again with Marvel Studios, Avi Arad and Laura Ziskin on this new beginning,” said Amy Pascal, co-chairman of Sony Pictures Entertainment.

“Working on the Spider-Man movies was the experience of a lifetime for me. While we were looking forward to doing a fourth one together, the studio and Marvel have a unique opportunity to take the franchise in a new direction, and I know they will do a terrific job,” said Sam Raimi.

“We have had a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration and friendship with Sam and Tobey and they have given us their best for the better part of the last decade. This is a bittersweet moment for us because while it is hard to imagine Spider-Man in anyone else’s hands, I know that this was a day that was inevitable,” said Matt Tolmach, president of Columbia Pictures, who has served as the studio’s chief production executive since the beginning of the franchise. “Now everything begins anew, and that’s got us all tremendously excited about what comes next. Under the continuing supervision of Avi and Laura, we have a clear vision for the future of Spider-Man and can’t wait to share this exciting new direction with audiences in 2012.”

"Spider-Man will always be an important franchise for Sony Pictures and a fresh start like this is a responsibility that we all take very seriously," said Michael Lynton, Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures. "We have always believed that story comes first and story guides the direction of these films and as we move onto the next chapter, we will stay true to that principle and will do so with the highest respect for the source material and the fans and moviegoers who deserve nothing but the best when it comes to bringing these stories and characters to life on the big screen."

Great. We have on our hands another reboot. The first Spiderman film tackled the origin story masterfully and I wouldn't want to see another hour of how Peter Parker got his powers. That being said, Spiderman as a highschool student could be a pretty good direction to take given that they don't go all "tween" on our beloved webhead. Maybe they'll take the Ultimate Spiderman version this time which I have to admit I'm a fan of. Another bright side to this news would be that now Marvel Studios have a second shot of doing Venom justice and portray him faithfully to the comics. Well, let's just cross our fingers and hope this all goes out okay for Spidey, these reboots  take a two way street from completely awesome (Batman Begins) to utter crap (Punisher: Warzone). Oh, Punisher... what have they done to you?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Live action Cowboy Bebop film in trouble?

MTV interviewed Keanu Reeves for his upcoming film "The Private Lives of Pippa Lee" which is due out this year. The live action movie adaptation of Cowboy Bebop came up and this is what Keanu said:

"There's a draft of the script, but the writer did such a great order to make the movie you would need half a billion dollars. The studio kinda just went: 'This script is fantastic - and it would cost half a billion dollars!"

Apparently there would have to be some retooling of the script to cut cost for it to be greenlit by the studio heads. I just hope they don't fuck it up like the god awful Dragonball Evolution movie.

The story of the film will expand on the first episode of Cowboy Bebop titled "Asteroid Blues" wherein Spike and Jet track down an illegal drug trafficker along with his "pregnant" girlfriend.

I honestly think that Keanu Reeves could pull of the Spike Spiegel look plus he knows Kung Fu y'know, but the acting? Well, it's not bad to hope for a miracle, right?


And here's an AMV I made of Cowboy Bebop a couple of years ago. If you can't tell, I'm a very big fan of the series and I really hope they do it justice.