I love Christopher Nolan's version of the caped crusader. Capturing the fantastical world of the comics but still maintaining it grounded in reality. That being said I also hate it. Don't get me wrong, it has nothing to do with film but the fact that we still have one year of playing an excruciating waiting game to experience the final installment of what is possibly gearing up to be the best superhero film ever made. To sate Batman fans everywhere, whether you're a comic book fan or not, they throw in a bone once and a while. Honestly, the teaser poster just got me more hyped up and left me high and dry. Now I can't wait for the rumored teaser trailer that apparently will surface along with the showing of the final Harry Potter film. Man, if it does appear in the trailer I'm leaving the theaters completely satisfied. A taste of the last Nolan Batman film along with the final Harry Potter film? Holy bejesus!